საქართველოს ახალგაზრდა დიპლომატები GSD-ს სტუმრობენ

იხილე ვრცლად
ჩვენი მისია

ჩვენი მისია

GEO_ “Young people should be at the forefront of global change and innovation. Empowered, they can be key agents for development and peace.” --Kofi Annan NGO Young Diplomats of Georgia is created with the main mission to foster young generation with exclusive excess to high level conferences, meeting, forums and discussions held at European Institutions, International Organizations and Foreign Diplomatic Missions.

გაიგე მეტი
ჩვენი ინიციატივა

ჩვენი ინიციატივა

To Successfully fulfil its main goals NGO Young Diplomats of Georgia has developed the following programs: - Special study & training programs provided by institutions in the field of Diplomacy and International Relations - Internship programs in Governmental, International & Non-governmental sectors - Official visits, high level forums and exclusive programs in Washington DC, USA - Official visits & discussions at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium & Strasbourg France - Official Visits & special program at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France - Conferences at the United Nations in NYC, Geneva, Vienna - Official visits & special programs at Diplomatic Missions of Georgia abroad - Art exhibitions & cultural programs Despite the vast variety of the ongoing programs “NGO Young Diplomats of Georgia” is continuously working on new challenges caused by the demands of changing world.

გაიგე მეტი


"წლის ახალგაზრდა დიპლომატი - 2023"

გაიგე მეტი


გაიგე მეტი

2022 წელი რიცხვებით

შესრულებული პროექტი
ათვისებული ფონდებიდან
ვიზიტი საზღვარგარეთ
ge_Lizi Alalidze
ge_Lizi Alalidze


The organization of Young Diplomats of Georgia is a chance to create your own bright future. To me it was the main reason of my development and still is in an educational way. Being the part of it gave me the opportunity to have a successful result from the universities around the globe. However, Young Diplomats of Georgia and their projects changed my ways and skills towards working on particular cases, which is why now I’m holding the title of Young Diplomats of Georgia!



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.